How To Increase Facebook Followers And Like

Did you know that Facebook forms the concrete ground on which a lot of social media marketing strategies have held their foot and flourished? A healthy and growing number of Facebook followers can help increase your visibility, build retargeting ads that win, and create brand recognition.

On social media platforms, the follower count that you have gives you an idea about your brand’s awareness and reach. That is why it is important to gain followers for brands in time. One important factor in maintaining followers would be maintaining consistency in posting content on social media. Only a social media scheduler can help you to schedule Facebook posts to achieve that consistency. So think of incorporating it into your strategy. 

Now comes the question of how exactly would you gain followers. We know that buying them is not the wisest choice and it is not recommended at all. Buying Facebook followers would almost never result in actual engagement. So, you should look at ways to gain followers organically. We have enlisted 15 ways through which you can increase Facebook followers and likes.

Want to grow your Facebook following?

Sign up for RecurPost and schedule your posts in advance for maximum reach.

Your Guide to 15 Ways in Which You Can Increase Facebook Followers And Likes in 2023

1. You can run Facebook ads
2. Send invitations to people to like your page
3. Host giveaways
4. Try using Facebook live
5. Use influencer marketing
6. Use automation tools 
7. Get yourself tagged in other facebook pages
8. Promote your top performing posts
9. Reply to comments
10. Use videos for marketing
11. Repost your best content
12. Join facebook groups
13. Add call to actions
14. Use paid ads
15. Post frequently and consistently

15 Ways in Which You Can Increase Facebook Followers And Likes in 2023

1. You Can Run Facebook Ads

facebook followers - facebook ads

The best solution to getting more engagement or followers on Facebook would be to resort to Facebook Ads. “Engagement Ads” can be run in order to increase the visibility of your brand. If the viewers on Facebook like your ad content, they will engage with your post better, and even might follow your brand’s page.

2. Send Invitations to People to Like Your Page

If you want to increase Facebook Growth in the simplest of ways, you can begin by sending invitations to people to like your page. The stepping stone can be your friends and family. And once you start running ads, Facebook will occasionally send you notifications asking you to invite people to like your page.

3. Host Giveaways

facebook followers - giveaway

Giveaways are always a good idea when it comes to promoting your brand’s product. You can share your giveaway to niche Facebook groups or forums, giveaway websites, and your own Facebook page. The followers will likely enter your Facebook page via the giveaway and get you more likes.

4. Try Using Facebook Live

facebook followers - facebook live

This is perhaps one of the most interesting features that Facebook added to its bouquet. Some of the most popular or viral videos have been Facebook live videos. It is a good way to give real-time insights to your viewers and create trustable content.

5. Use Influencer Marketing

facebook followers -influencer marketing

Influencer partnerships can be super resourceful for increasing your Facebook follower count. When you partner with an influencer, you tap into his/her audience and immediately boost your chances of getting more visibility. 

6. Use Automation Tools

When you automate your marketing activities, you will immediately get more viewers and followers because your content will be more consistent and your engagement activities will be automated. You can schedule Facebook posts through automation Facebook marketing tools and forget about worrying about the rest.

7. Get Yourself Tagged in Other Facebook Pages

Getting a shoutout organically from bigger Facebook pages can help you get more Facebook followers certainly.  For doing this, you should pick brands that feature their customers regularly and other non-competing businesses on their social media. You should also target brands that have a similar audience base as yours.

8. Promote Your Top-Performing Posts

Another useful trick in your handbook to success for Facebook would be to promote Facebook repeating posts that have already performed well on your page. There will always be certain content pieces that have managed to do well or better than others. You should promote them by sharing them on other platforms or running promotional ads on them.

9. Reply to Comments

facebook followers - reply comments

If you keep your audience in the loop, they will always stay loyal to your brand. Replying to your viewers’ comments is the best way to make them feel involved. Engaging with your community is key to maintaining your brand image. You will always have a competitive advantage when you have a positive brand image in your community.

10. Use Videos For Marketing

facebook followers - video marketing

The best way to bag likes and Facebook followers would be by using video marketing. Videos have proven to get the highest engagement on any social media platform when used with proper social media image sizes, and Facebook is no different. Video content will likely get very high engagement on Facebook, meaning more viewers for your content.

11. Repost Your Best Content

As a social media copywriter, posting content that has already gotten you the best of numbers in terms of engagement is the wisest thing to do. You can repurpose content smartly and reuse your investment. Everyone knows how difficult it is to form the perfect video or blog article. A lot of resources and effort go into it. So, if you have already managed to ace it with a piece, you can repost it, and it might work wonders again. RecurPost is a great tool for content repurposing.

12. Join Facebook Groups

Joining different Facebook groups is a great way to expand your network. You can spot groups that house people with interests that align with your brand and join them. Once the group discovers your website and its benefits, there is a high chance that you will get followers.

13. Add Calls to Action

A very good way to increase your Facebook followers and likes would be to use a CTA at the end of your blog or article. Always make it a point to keep your calls to action simple and short because you don’t want to confuse users and stop them from clicking through. 

14. Use Paid Ads

If you want to grow your follower count quickly on Facebook,  you can run ads that are specifically meant for growing your following. Running a Facebook ad is not very hard; you can set it up very easily. You can target a specific audience by numerous demographic factors to ensure you hit the correct target audience.

15. Post Frequently And Consistently

The most important tip to follow when it comes to marketing for more Facebook followers would be to remain consistent and frequent in your posting to do viral marketing. You must have a thorough schedule that is consistent and regular for posting content that adds value. You can post at the best time to post on Facebook to get maximum engagement and results on your posts.


These were some very insightful tricks and tips to gain Facebook followers and increase likes on your posts. There have been a lot of ups and downs as well as changes on Facebook as a platform. But that does not make Facebook any less powerful than it was. You should definitely focus on Facebook marketing.

Using social media scheduling tools and marketing reporting software can help you attain most of the tips mentioned above. They can simplify many tasks for you and automate your marketing activities so that you can focus on other important tasks. RecurPost is an amazing Facebook post scheduler that will offer you the best features at a valuable price point, such as social media bulk scheduling.

In addition to Facebook, RecurPost allows posting on all popular social media platforms. You can schedule Instagram posts on your personal and business profiles. You can also schedule LinkedIn posts to connect with global leaders on your personal and business pages. RecurPost also allows you to Schedule tweets on Twitter to build an organic community of people who belong to your business.

If you want to share appealing images of your products or services with your audience, RecurPost serves you by being an excellent Pinterest scheduler. It helps you to take the advantage of the visual platform. To target your local audience, you can schedule Google Business Profile posts with a call to action using RecurPost.

This makes it one of the best free Hootsuite alternatives and Sprout Social alternatives in the market.

Know more about its plans and find out about RecurPost pricing for making the most appropriate choice.

Want to grow your Facebook following?

Sign up for RecurPost and schedule your posts in advance for maximum reach.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are Facebook followers?

Facebook followers can be the people who have opted to follow your profile or page, meaning that they have agreed to receive updates about your activity on their timeline. When people like your page on Facebook, they become your followers too.

2. How to get more followers on Facebook?

Getting more Facebook followers is important, and it is definitely not rocket science. This goal is highly achievable when the right techniques are employed. Some of the tactics that you can use are:
– Join Facebook groups
– Use automation tools
– Repost existing content
– Maintain community engagement
– Use video marketing
– Post consistently and frequently

3. How to remove followers on Facebook?

If you want to remove individual followers on Facebook profile, you will simply have to go to their profile and block them. In case you want to get rid of all followers, you will have to change your privacy settings to “friends only”. Then your posts will be visible to only friends.

4. What is the difference between Facebook followers vs friends?

Facebook friends are the ones that you want as close connections, meaning they will have access to all your activities. On the other hand, followers will allow your posts to reach a wider audience.

5. What is the difference between Facebook followers vs likes?

A Facebook like can be explained as a person who has chosen to attest their name to your page as a fan. And a follower would be a person who has chosen to receive regular updates on their timeline about your activities.
